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Trump Administration Issues Report Concluding That Climate Change Is Real And Man-Made

Trump Administration Issues Report Concluding That Climate Change Is Real And Man-Made

"This assessment concludes, based on extensive evidence, that it is extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century. For the warming over the last century, there is no convincing alternative explanation supported by the extent of the observational evidence.:

           - from "Highlights of the Findings of the U.S. Global Change Research Program Climate Science Special Report", Nov. 3 2017

Another Monsanto Pesticide Draws Fire As Farmers Break Out In Rashes

Another Monsanto Pesticide Draws Fire As Farmers Break Out In Rashes

Poor Monsanto just can't catch a break these days. 

Just yesterday we noted that Monsanto's RoundUp replacement, Dicamba, was causing outrage in the ag community as state regulators all across the country were suddenly being flooded with reports from farmers saying the product is increasingly becoming airborne and killing crops far away from the fields where they were actually applied.  Ironically, farmers don't like their livelihood being wiped out by a neighbor's spray drift...go figure.

Demographic Dysphoria Looms As Scientists Discover Sulfur Dioxide Lowers Sperm Count

Demographic Dysphoria Looms As Scientists Discover Sulfur Dioxide Lowers Sperm Count

Back in June, we explained how a demographic dysphoria looms for Central Bankers as doctors discovered sperm counts in western men have plummeted nearly 60% over the last four decades.

In an era of depopulation, Econimica’s Chris Hamiliton noted, the next business cycle recession will be unending and is very likely to run years into decades and perhaps a century or more.

Meet Monsanto's Other Herbicide Problem...

Meet Monsanto's Other Herbicide Problem...

Earlier this year we wrote about a series of court documents that were unsealed and seemingly revealed a startling effort on the part of both Monsanto and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to work in concert to kill and/or discredit independent, albeit inconvenient, cancer research conducted by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) related to their key herbicidal product, RoundUp.  The efforts to kill the research came even as Monsanto's own lead toxicologist, Donna Farmer, admitted that she "cannot say that Round

Germany Forced To Pay Consumers To Use More Electricity

Germany Forced To Pay Consumers To Use More Electricity

A stormy weekend led to free electricity in Germany, as Bloomberg reports wind generation reached a record, forcing power producers to pay customers the most since Christmas 2012 to use electricity.

Power prices turned negative as wind output reached 39,409 megawatts on Saturday, equivalent to the output of about 40 nuclear reactors.

 To keep the grid supply and demand in balance, negative prices encourage producers to either shut power stations or else pay consumers to take the extra electricity off the network.
