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India Unleashes Anti-Smog Cannon Against New Delhi's Disastrous Air Pollution

Inhabitants of the heavily populated city of New Delhi, India are baffled why the government has strapped a cone-shaped water cannon to the back of a pick-up truck. Perhaps, their cognitive processes are slightly skewed these days, as apocalyptic smog blankets their region.

One politician said, “Delhi has become a gas chamber. Every year this happens during this part of the year” (See: “Delhi Has Become A Gas Chamber” – Apocalyptic Smog Causes Health Concerns For Millions).

The cannon, which looks nothing more than a snow machine to the Western world, blasts high amounts of water droplets into the atmosphere in hopes of flushing out air pollutants above the city.

Authorities have coined the term— “anti-smog gun,” which environmentalists say it’s nothing more than a band-aid solution.

The Guardian says the cannon was tested in Anand Vihar, an area in the city bordering an industrial zone.

The cannon’s Indian manufacturers say the fine droplets of water it ejects at high speed can flush out deadly airborne pollutants in one of the world’s smoggiest capitals. ‘Half my lung cancer patients are non-smokers’: toxic air crisis chokes Delhi Read more The device – shaped like a hair dryer and mounted on a flatbed truck – was tested in Anand Vihar, an area of Delhi’s east bordering an industrial zone that often boasts the dirtiest air.

The US Embassy of India on Wednesday warned: Air quality in New Delhi registered at 478, indicating “Hazardous”– you might die.

To put that in perspective, the World Health Organization considers >25 to be unsafe.

Yesterday’s recorded level is more than 19x the allowed amount. Deadly smog is not just a problem in New Delhi but shown on the chart below, it is widespread, not limited to Pakistan and China.

Its manufacturer, Cloud Tech, said the cannon costs roughly $31,000, spraying 100 liters of water per minute into the skies and clearing 95% of airborne toxins.

“If it proves to be successful, then we will roll these out on Delhi’s streets as soon as possible,” Imran Hussain, Delhi’s environment minister, said in Anand Vihar as the cannon spurted mist under hazy skies.

However, Greenpeace said the cannon is a political stunt by the government, a desperate act of distraction, shielding the world’s view from the disastrous policies by the government which has resulted in deadly smog.

“This is definitely not the solution. You can use it occasionally at sensitive locations but the solution to pollution lies in controlling it at the source rather than spraying water on it,” Greenpeace’s Sunil Dahiya said.


“The Delhi government should look at more sustainable solutions rather than creating business for a few companies.”

Bottomline: The cracks of globalism are appearing in India, as tens of millions now face the harsh reality that air pollution is killing them abruptly. When do the citizens panic, as their governments have royally failed them?

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As we explained in earlier November, air pollution in China lowers sperm count (See: Demographic Dysphoria Looms As Scientists Discover Sulfur Dioxide Lowers Sperm Count).