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Worried You Are Putin's Pawn? Mainstream Media's Checklist For Avoiding Fake News

Submitted by Justin Raimondo via,

No one outside of a few obsessed cranks would’ve noticed it if the Washington Post hadn’t given it front page prominence last week: a formerly obscure web site,, which purports to identify a “Russian active measures” campaign with some very specific goals in mind As Post “reporter” Craig Timberg put it:

How Far Can Bond Yields Rise Before Hurting Equities? Goldman Answers

How Far Can Bond Yields Rise Before Hurting Equities? Goldman Answers

Ever since "Trumpflation" emerged as a driver of risk-assets, a tension has emerged in capital markets: how much higher can rates rise (and by implication the US Dollar) before financial conditions become so tight that the equity rally reverses under the weight of the very reflation it is pricing in. Ten days ago, SocGen became the first to attempt an answer, by providing the following table, according to which the answer was roughly 2.6% on the 10Y Treasury: a level at which equities become rich relative to bond yields.

Aussie Media Push Globalists' "Cash Is For Criminals" Narrative

Aussie Media Push Globalists' "Cash Is For Criminals" Narrative

"We are entering a very dark phase in this battle to retain our liberty," warns Armstrong Economics' Martin Armstrong, adding that "this is the most dangerous period we are heading into for governments will respond only to their own self-interest to survive."

The war on cash is in full swing.

First we saw India's Modi demonetize bank-notes in the interest of fighting corruption and tax avoidance in the black economy... later admitting that this will eventually lead to a cashless society.
