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The Ex-President Of Italy's Constitutional Court Explains What Is At Stake When Italy Votes

With financial markets poised to react to the pivotal Italian constitutional referendum on December 4, consensus suggests that a ‘yes’ vote to the reforms will be positive for asset prices and a ‘no’ represents a sell signal. According to leading Italian commentators, however, a ‘yes’ vote will not fix Italy’s problems and the issues at play are not just black and white, but instead are far more complex than people seem to understand.

The Perfect Storm Set To Pop Aussie Apartment Bubble Bringing The Economy Down With It

The Perfect Storm Set To Pop Aussie Apartment Bubble Bringing The Economy Down With It

Submitted by Guy Manno via Crush the Market

The Aussie apartment boom that has turned into an epic bubble with record, sky-high prices, is showing all the signs for the perfect storm which will ultimately pop. With the popping of the apartment boom, it will simultaneously bring down the Australian economy, as the apartment market is set to have a sizeable correction in 2017 and 2018.

A short Look At Australia's Real Estate Market

EU / Russian Thaw Hits A Media Iceberg

Submitted by Tom Luego via,

The EU Parliament has approved a Polish MP’s bill to counter Russian news sources’ “propaganda.”  Among those listed are RT and Sputnik news agency.  This is yet another example of push-back from Western elites over the loss of the U.S. presidency and potential thawing of Russian / European relations under a Trump administration.

The vote passed with less than a majority of the EU Parliament’s 691 members, thanks to 208 abstentions.  The bill garnered only 304 votes.

Europe Votes To Suspend Turkey EU Accession Talks, Sending Lira Crashing To Record Low Despite Unexpected Rate Hike

Europe Votes To Suspend Turkey EU Accession Talks, Sending Lira Crashing To Record Low Despite Unexpected Rate Hike

It was another painful day for Turkish Lira longs.

Earlier today, in response to the broader USD strength overnight, the Turkish currency dropped to new record lows, sliding to 3.4214 and losing 10% of its value since the central bank's last meeting in October, before the Turkey’s central bank unexpectedly raised its one-week repurchase and overnight lending rates for the first time in almost three years, prompted by the crashing lira's impact on inflation, overriding Erdogan's recurring demands for lower borrowing costs.
