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Trump And Draghi May Bring A Return Of The "European Solvency Crisis": Barclays

Trump And Draghi May Bring A Return Of The "European Solvency Crisis": Barclays

Since Drahi's infamous "whatever it takes" warning in the summer of 2012, European bond yields have been a one way street lower, and until the recent Trumpflation rally, had tumbled to all time lows, in many cases well below 0%.  There are two catalysts, however, that may be ending Europe's QE-driven free ride, and according to a recent report by Barclays, their names are Donald Trump and Mario Draghi.

First, when looking at the impact of Trump, Barclays notes that his election as US president may have created an additional burden on European budgets: defence spending.

Juppe And Fillon Clash For Republican Nomination As France Picks Marine Le Pen's Opponent

Juppe And Fillon Clash For Republican Nomination As France Picks Marine Le Pen's Opponent

Following last weekend's latest latest "stunning" political outcome, in which French former PM Francois Fillon trounced pollsters' favorite Alain Juppe in the first round of the French conservative primary and which saw the latest political career termination for former president Nicolas Sarkozy, on Sunday the two former prime ministers are going head-to-head in a runoff vote for France's center-right presidential nomination, with the victor expected to face a showdown against a resurgent Marine Le Pen in the May 2017 presidential election.

OPEC Deal Disintegrates After Iran Press Accuses Saudi Arabia Of "Reneging" On Agreement

On Friday, after reading the latest shift in the ever-changing, always fluid OPEC narrative, according to which Saudi Arabia now demands Iranian oil production cuts contrary to the agreement reached at the end of September in Algiers, in which Iran was granted an exemption from the upcoming supply cut negotiation in Vienna on November 30, we were confused:
