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Civil Religion—or Christianity?

Can “exceptionalism” be made safe for America? Can exceptionalism be made safe for American Christians who desire to be at the same time patriotic and faithful to their God? As long as exceptionalism remains the test of creedal orthodoxy it has been turned into, these questions will need to be answered with all the sound historical and theological judgment at our disposal.

"This Will All Blow Up In The Fed's Face," Schiff Warns "Trump's Right, America Is Broke"

Euro Pacific Capital's Peter Schiff sat down with Alex Jones last week to discuss the state of the economy, and where he sees everything going from here.

Here are some notable moments from the interview.

Regarding how bad things are, and what's really going on in the economy, Schiff lays out all of the horrible economic data that has come out recently, as well as making sure to take away the crutch everyone uses to explain any and all data misses, which is weather.

Europe: Suicide by Jihad

Europe: Suicide by Jihad

Submitted by Guy Milliere via The Gatestone Institute,

  • In the last two decades, Belgium has become the hub of jihad in Europe. The district of Molenbeek in Brussels is now a foreign Islamist territory in the heart of Belgium. It is not, however, a lawless zone: sharia law has effectively replaced Belgian law.
