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Why All Central Planning Is Doomed To Fail

Authored by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

Positivist Delusions

[ed. note: this article was originally published on March 5 2013 – Bill Bonner was on his way to his ranch in Argentina, so here is a classic from the archives]

We’re still thinking about how so many smart people came to believe things that aren’t true. Krugman, Stiglitz, Friedman, Summers, Bernanke, Yellen – all seem to have a simpleton’s view of how the world works.


5 Terror Suspects With Brussels Ties Arrested At London Airport

Five ‘terror’ suspects that are believed to have ties to the terrorists who conducted the Brussels and Paris attacks, were arrested in the UK on Friday.  West Midlands police said that three men and one woman were arrested in the central city of Birmingham on Thursday night and one man was arrested a London’s Gatwick Airport early on Friday.
