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Thousands Of "Elated, Wet" Migrants Land On Lesbos, As Refugee "Deal" Fails To Stem Flow

Thousands Of "Elated, Wet" Migrants Land On Lesbos, As Refugee "Deal" Fails To Stem Flow

On Friday, the EU and Turkey came to an agreement on a set of proposals to stem the flow of Mid-East asylum seekers into Western Europe.

The focus of the discussions in Brussels was cutting off the sea route to Greece. On the front lines is the Greek island Lesbos where at least half of the 144,000 refugees who have entered Greece in 2016 have landed. More than a million people crossed the Aegean to Greece last year.

Why Trump Triumphs

Why Trump Triumphs

Submitted by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

Dow up again yesterday! According to Wall Street analysts, investors were front running a non-event. The Fed is in a credit “tightening cycle”, but without the tightening. On Wednesday, it announced it was leaving short-term rates unchanged at 0.5%.

(One was already too much…we simply cannot have too many of these sad scenes. Cartoon by Richard Cline)
