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Brexit!? France & Germany Cannot Wait

Brexit!? France & Germany Cannot Wait


If London decides to leave the European Union nobody in Europe will even notice. Great Britain is an entirely separate country, isolated from the European Union and does not participate in the Euro or Schengen Agreement. The European Union as a political platform is disintegrating and becoming more and more irrelevant and will be displaced by the European Monetary Union (EMU).

When Cash Is Outlawed... Only Outlaws Will Have Cash

When Cash Is Outlawed... Only Outlaws Will Have Cash

Submitted by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

Control, Tax, Confiscate

Harvard economist Larry Summers is a reliable source of claptrap. And a frequent spokesman for the Deep State.

To bring new readers up to speed, voters don’t get a say in who runs the country. Instead, a “shadow government” of elites, cronies, lobbyists, bureaucrats, politicians, and zombies – aka the Deep State – is permanently in power.


"Brexit" Looms As Cameron Pushes For Reforms In All-Nighter

"Brexit" Looms As Cameron Pushes For Reforms In All-Nighter

"I was here till 5 o'clock this morning working through this and we've made some progress but there's still no deal.”

That’s from British PM David Cameron, who was apparently up all night in an effort to understand why his country should stay in the EU. Unless Cameron hears what he wants to hear, he will not campaign for the UK to remain in the bloc ahead of an expected referendum on membership in June.

Futures Sink To Session Lows, Europe Slides Following Chinese RRR Hike Confusion, Brexit Concerns

Not even this morning's mandatory European open ramp has been able to push US equity futures higher, and as a result moments ago the E-mini hit session lows on rising concerns about Brexit as talks drag on in Brussles, but mostly as a result of overnight confusion about China's loan explosion and whether the PBOC has lost control over its maniacally-lending banks.
