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Futures Jump After Friday Drubbing, Despite Brent Sliding To Fresh 11 Year Lows, Spanish Political Uncertainty

Futures Jump After Friday Drubbing, Despite Brent Sliding To Fresh 11 Year Lows, Spanish Political Uncertainty

In a weekend of little macro newsflow facilitated by the release of the latest Star Wars sequel, the biggest political and economic event was the Spanish general election which confirmed the end of the PP-PSOE political duopoly at national level, with Rajoy's leading block losing the absolute majority it had enjoyed since the last elections while rewarding the anti-austerity Podemos and the liberal Ciudadanos party, who between them took 109 seats in the 350-member parliament. As a result no clear governing majority emerged.

Presenting Saxo Bank's 10 "Outrageous Predictions" For 2016

On Tuesday, we brought you Bloomberg’s top 10 “worst case scenarios” for 2016. The list, compiled by polling "dozens of former and current diplomats, geopolitical strategists, security consultants, and economists" included everything from devastating cyber attacks by Iranian and Russian hackers to a military coup in China. 

They even threw in a Trump victory in the national elections for good measure.

European Nations Throw Up On EU Plan To Seize Border Sovereignty, Impose Standng Border Force

Last week we reported that in a move which the FT dubbed would "arguably represent the biggest transfer of sovereignty since the creation of the single currency" Brussels was about to propose the creation of a standing European border force that could take control of the bloc’s external frontiers — even if a government objected.

Marine Le Pen Will Reap What The EU Has Sown

Submitted by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

Many people are cheering now that yesterday Marine Le Pen and her Front National (FN) party didn’t get to take over government in any regions in the France regional elections. They should think again. FN did get a lot more votes than the last time around, and, though she will be a little disappointed after last weekend’s results, it’s exactly as Le Pen herself said: “Nothing can stop us”.
