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Will Bitcoin Mining Consume All The World's Current Electricity Production By Feb 2020?

Will Bitcoin Mining Consume All The World's Current Electricity Production By Feb 2020?


Bitcoin’s ongoing meteoric price rise has received the bulk of recent press attention with a lot of discussion around whether or not it’s a bubble waiting to burst.

However, most the coverage has missed out one of the more interesting and unintended consequences of this price increase. That is the surge in global electricity consumption used to “mine” more Bitcoins.

How Does Bitcoin Mining Consume Electricity?

$1 Trillion Norway Wealth Fund Sees "Red Flag" In Real Estate Market

$1 Trillion Norway Wealth Fund Sees "Red Flag" In Real Estate Market

Back in September, we pointed out that assets managed by Norway's sovereign wealth fund had surged to over $1 trillion after they made the controversial decision to increase their exposure to global equity bubbles (see: Norway Wealth Fund Assets Surge To Over $1 Trillion On Massive 70% Allocation To Equities).  The move has worked out perfectly in the short term, though we still have our doubts as to whether the "greater fool" theory works over the long term...certainly it never has before but maybe this time is different.

Russian Anger Builds In Town Next To Leaking Nuclear Plant

Russian Anger Builds In Town Next To Leaking Nuclear Plant

Earlier this week, we noted that Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy agency had taken baby steps toward recognizing the dangers posed by an aging nuclear storage facility in Chelyabinsk, a town located on Russia’s southern border with Kazakhstan, when it officially acknowledged the extraordinary high levels of radiation in the area. Though the government refused to admit culpability, as many believe the radiation leaked out of the Mayak nuclear power plant, which has a history of serious nuclear accidents.

Police Say 'No Evidence' Of Shooting At Oxford Circus; Shoppers Sheltering In Place Can Leave

Update: After an investigation, metro police are saying the incident has been 'stood down', and that any shoppers still sheltering in place can leave...



