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Al Anbar Governorate

Iraqi Army Find ISIS Tunnel Network In Fallujah

A maze of terror tunnels excavated by ISIS have been discovered by Iraqi security forces in the city of Fallujah. The tunnels were dug under streets and between houses to provide cover for Islamic State militants. Fars News reports: The tunnels were over 1 kilometer long and the ISIL had cultivated plants on the roof and entrance of the tunnels in order to camouflage them against Iraqi airstrikes. The discovered tunnels were connected to each other and were used by the Takfiri terrorists to gain access to different parts of the city.

Deadly Clashes Erupt In ISIS Stronghold Of Fallujah

The beating of a woman has led to an insurrection by Sunni tribesmen in the Iraqi city of Fallujah. Anti-ISIS fighters fought with militants after a local woman was targeted by the extremists for not wearing the right garb and showing some skin on her hands. NBC reports: “The clashes started when tens of Fallujah men stood against ISIS militants who started to beat a woman in a Fallujah market because she was not wearing gloves,” said Sabah Karhoot, the chairman of the governing council of Anbar province where the city is located.