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Frankfurt School

"Let's Burn Down The Universities"

Authored by JC Collins via Philosophy of Metrics blog,

An Offensive Act of Self Defence to Save the Great School of Western Thought

It should be clear to all reasoning people with the ability for critical thinking that a pattern of cultural warfare has been unfolding against the Western world since at least the end of World War Two. The contrast between what was then and what is now is stark and frightening. It should serve as all the evidence we require to make the final determination about what has been happening.

How The Cultural Marxists Of The Frankfurt School Subverted American Education

How The Cultural Marxists Of The Frankfurt School Subverted American Education

Via Beau Albrecht of,

Perhaps you’ve wondered why so many college professors are so left-wing.  In your freshman year, you might have noted with dread—as I did—some of your fellow students “going with the flow” and molding their beliefs to fit in.  Perhaps one of them was you, before you grew up and snapped out of it!  The Frankfurt School is the answer to why so many universities are Social Justice Warrior factories.

The origins of the Frankfurt School