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Here’s What Happens To People Who Meditate For The First Time

Many studies have looked at what happens to the brain when a long-term meditator meditates, but up until now none have covered what happens to first-timers who decides to give meditation a go.  A Harvard researcher has conducted the world’s first study on first-time meditators, detailing how the brain grows grey matter when a person meditates. reports: Other studies have shown that meditation improves IQ, and lessens depression.

Scientists Successfully Grow Fully Functioning Sperm In Laboratory

Scientists in China have successfully grown fully functioning mice sperm in a lab in a move that experts say could be one step closer to solving male fertility problems. The viable mouse sperm were grown in a petri dish using a new technique with skin cells. The sperm cells were then used to fertilise IVF mouse eggs to produce healthy, fertile offspring, which went on to have their own offspring by natural conception.

Brazil’s Mutant GM Mosquitoes Spreading Brain Cancer

A doctor has said that he believes the release of 5 million GM mosquitoes per week in Brazil may be causing a rise in brain cancer among humans.  The Brazilian government are currently releasing 5 million transgenic mosquitoes a week into the public, which experts say could have grave implications for the stability of our civilization. reports: The New York Times reports that in the past, “cancer cells have been transferred by mosquitoes from one hamster to another.

1991 Government Document Confirms TDAP Vaccine Causes Microcephaly

Research published in The National Center for Biotechnology Information reveals that the U.S. government knew as early as 1991 that the Tdap vaccine causes microcephaly.  Why then are the government so keen to blame microcephaly on the recent zika virus outbreak when for at least 70 years no known cases of microcephaly had been reported as a result of the virus?

Doctor Says Historical Data On Vaccines Prove They Don’t Work

Dr. Suzanne Humphries has analyzed official data about vaccines and their effectiveness at preventing disease, and has publicly declared that vaccines do not stop disease.  Dr Humphries, a conventional doctor and holistic health consultant, has said that notion that diseases began declining due to the advent vaccines is misleading. She says that diseases were declining long before vaccinations were developed.
