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Pesticides Linked To Mental Disorders That Can Last “Three Generations”

Scientists have discovered that man-made chemical pesticides may be responsible for the decline in mental health among the human population in recent decades.  Epigenetic researchers have found that chemicals such as the persistent pollutant DDT – found in most pesticide products – are altering gene expression through multiple generations of people destroying the health of entire bloodlines. reports: When a parent’s gene expression has been manipulated by pesticides, those changes can be inherited by the next generation. The pesticide poisons of the past century are literally rewriting the gene expression of future generations, victimizing the next of kin from the start. The trans-generational damage has now been recognized across three generations. The damage can be observed in childhood cancer cases that are linked directly back to parental pesticide exposure. Lymphoma risk increases two-fold for children whose parents were pesticide applicators. Pesticide applicators who applied pesticides without proper protection give birth to children who are at greater risk of developing childhood cancers. In 2012, biologists experimented with pesticides on mice. The genetic changes that occurred were passed down through three generations, eliciting mental disorders and obesity in the offspring. Through the same genetic mechanisms, these effects are observed in humans. [...]