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Kerrisdale Capital Reveals Latest Short Selling Target: Will It Be The Next Straight Path?

Kerrisdale Capital Reveals Latest Short Selling Target: Will It Be The Next Straight Path?

Kerrisdale Capital, best known recently for its spectacular blow up on its Straight Path short, piqued investor interest yesterday when it disclosed that it would "publish on a new short tomorrow" adding that "entranced by a billionaire investor, investors haven't done their homework on this one."

Obamacare? Trumpcare? Get Rid Of It All

Authored by Chris Rossini via The Mises Institute,

Ever since the US government began to sink its claws into the medical industry a good 50 or so years ago, attempts at reducing costs have failed again and again. This is par for the course whenever government invades an industry.

Trying to reform this Frankenstein with either Obamacare, or Trumpcare, will solve nothing.

The problem is structural. Tinkering with this or that will just waste more time.

One-Third Of Americans Are On Government Healthcare

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

The US House of Representatives voted today to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. Unfortunately, those who use the phrase "repeal and replace" are greatly exaggerating the extent to which the Affordable Care Act is actually repealed

While perhaps a tiny step in the right direction, the new legislation signals no departure whatsoever from the long-established trend of expanding the role of government programs in subsidizing and regulating the healthcare industry. 
