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Human Rights Watch

Accused Of War Crimes, Saudis Investigate Themselves And Find No Wrongdoing

Accused Of War Crimes, Saudis Investigate Themselves And Find No Wrongdoing

Authored by Carey Wedler via,

Amid international calls for an independent inquiry into Saudi war crimes in Yemen, the Kingdom has investigated itself and found it has done nothing wrong.

Countries including China, the Netherlands, and Canada have pushed forward with a U.N. Human Rights Council draft resolution to establish an independent investigation into Saudi war crimes against civilians in the small war-torn nation of Yemen.

Urgent Warning Issued By Human Rights Group Over New Police Bill In Congress

Urgent Warning Issued By Human Rights Group Over New Police Bill In Congress

Authored by Josie Wales via,

Last week, Human Rights Watch penned an open letter to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees voicing their strong opposition to a new bill that would make it nearly impossible to sue police for constitutional violations. Senator John Cornyn (R-Tex.) and Representative Ted Poe (R-Tex.) proposed the identical bills on May 16th “[t]o protect law enforcement officers, and for other purposes.”

Human Rights Watch Place Donald Trump On ‘Threat List’

Human Rights Watch is placing President-elect Donald Trump on a list of people who they deem a “threat to human rights”. The organization say that Trump’s political philosophy promotes intolerance and spreads hatred throughout America. “Donald Trump’s election as US president after a campaign fomenting hatred and intolerance, and the rising influence of political parties in Europe that reject universal rights, have put the postwar human rights system at risk,” the group announced.

Saudi Lies and the War on Yemen

This exchange between an interviewer for NPR’s Morning Edition and a spokesman for Saudi Arabia makes for depressing reading:

ASIRI: Unfortunately, today, there is no team from Human Rights Watch on the ground.

KELLY: They went. They saw it.

ASIRI: No. No one can get in Yemen without the permission of the coalition. So we don’t have single permission from the United Nations on the ground.

Turkish Border Guards Shoot And Abuse Syrian Refugees

Turkish border guards continue to shoot and kill Syrian refugees and asylum seekers trying to reach Turkey, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW). Syrian refugees are being killed, injured and abused at the border. HRW condemns the use of excessive force and asks Turkish authorities to stop pushing back asylum seekers at the border and to investigate the abuses.
