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Swiftkey Co-Founder Misses Out On Millions, Sold Share For Bicycle

A founder of Swiftkey gave away his stake for a bicycle in 2008 and now his company is worth millions after Microsoft bought it up. Chris Hill-Scott invented the iPhone keyboard app, that uses artificial intelligence to predict the next written word, with two other partners. The predictive text app was sold yesterday to Microsoft for a massive £174 million. The Daily Mail reports: University friends Jon Reynolds, 30, and Ben Medlock, 36, have walked away with over £25million each after seven short years.

A Work of Restoration

I focus a lot on Gloom, Despair, and Agony On Us (hat tip: Hee-Haw), so it’s a pleasure to post this e-mail from a reader:

I don’t know if I’ve told you about our parish school that has rebooted itself much in the model of St. Jerome’s.  Anthony Esolen wrote about it here:

I think it would be worth sharing it with your readers.  (I am biased but also want people to know about it.)
