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BIS Admits TARGET2 Is A Stealth Bailout Of Europe's Periphery

BIS Admits TARGET2 Is A Stealth Bailout Of Europe's Periphery

While debates over the significance of the Eurosystem's TARGET2 imbalances may have faded into the background now that sovereign yields in the Eurozone remains broadly backstopped by the ECB's debt monetization generosity, and fears about an imminent European breakdown fall along the lines of populist votes more than concerns about lack of funding, the BIS has finally chimed in with the truth about what the TARGET2 number really showed.

Eurozone Capital Flight Intensifies: Target2 Imbalances Widen Again

Eurozone Capital Flight Intensifies: Target2 Imbalances Widen Again

Via Michael Shedlock of,

A quick perusal of Target2 Balances for January shows capital flight from Italy and Spain to Germany intensified again.

German target2 imbalances exceed levels hit in the Eurozone crises in 2012. Things improved considerably after ECB president Mario Draghi made his famous statement “Within our mandate, the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me, it will be enough”.

The ECB claims this action is due to its bond-buying program. I strongly disagree.

Draghi's Dilemma: Eurozone Inflation Hits 2% With Italy On Bond Life Support

Draghi's Dilemma: Eurozone Inflation Hits 2% With Italy On Bond Life Support

Via Michael Shedlock of,

Eurozone headline inflation hit two percent this week, and that has the inflation hawks in Germany screaming.

Yet, ECB president Mario Draghi has promised to maintain QE asset purchases, and Italy has no other real buyer for its bonds.

What’s Draghi to do?

Headline Inflation Hits Two Percent

A milestone.


The European Debt Bomb Fuse Is Lit! Target2 Imbalances Hit Crisis Levels

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

Eurozone Target2 imbalances have touched or exceeded the crisis levels hit in 2012 when Greece was on the verge of leaving the Eurozone. Others have noted the growing imbalances as well.

I had a couple of questions for the ECB regarding Target2, which they have answered, I believe disingenuously.

First, we will explain Target2, then we will take a look at various charts, viewpoints, and the email exchange with the ECB.

Target2 Background
