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Facebook and Exxon Mobil are both Overvalued Stocks for Different Reasons (Video)

Facebook and Exxon Mobil are both Overvalued Stocks for Different Reasons (Video)

By EconMatters


XOM is trading as a Bond in this yield chasing QE inspired Central Bank World, and FB is your classic momentum stock. The first lesson of modern investing is that everything is a trade in financial markets. Avoid being the bag holder in either of these two stocks. The day of their demise is merely a calendar event on the investing time clock horizon.

A Little Market Insight Into How The Game Is Played (Video)

A Little Market Insight Into How The Game Is Played (Video)

By EconMatters


Every Game involves learning the rules of the game in order to be successful, the financial markets are the ultimate 4 dimensional futuristic chess game. There are different levels operating within the financial markets, the Game within the Game if you will. The Power Players at the top of the Food Chain run the show all things being equal.

Dear Homeowner, What Exactly Do You "Own"?

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

If we understand property taxes as a "lease from the local government for the right to gamble on another housing bubble arising," we see "ownership" in a different light.

We're constantly told ours is an ownership society in which owning a home is the foundation of household wealth. The concept of ownership may appear straightforward, but consider these questions:

A Look at the EIA Report and Some General Market Commentary (Video)

A Look at the EIA Report and Some General Market Commentary (Video)

By EconMatters


The API Report tried to over correct from their previous two misses for weekly forecasts, and caused oil traders to be wrong footed going into the EIA Inventory Report.  There was just massive volume following the report with no "fadeable" metrics for shorts to hang their hats on today.
