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Why Real Reform Is Now Impossible

Why Real Reform Is Now Impossible

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

The endless bleating of well-paid pundits in the corporate media about "reform" is just more circus.

It's difficult for well-meaning pundits to abandon the fantasy that meaningful reform is possible. Indeed, a critical function of the punditry and corporate media is to foster the fantasy that the status quo could be reformed if only we all got together and blah blah blah.

Corporate Gravy Train: Dudley Still Gets 20% Raise After BP Shareholders Reject the Pay Deal

By EconMatters


We reported last week that BP is facing a revolt from its shareholders over the salary of its CEO Bob Dudley. What happened was BP's Board approved an executive compensation package including a 20% raise in 2015 to nearly $20 million for its CEO Bob Dudley. Although we do not have the detail of other executive compensations, they must be pretty generous judging from Dudley's 20% raise.

