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Pilot Threatened To Crash Passenger Jet If Mrs Left Him

A suicidal Italian pilot about to fly a plane with 200 people on board was arrested by police minutes before takeoff. The Italian man was intercepted by officers at Fiumicino airport after his wife warned the police he was planning to kill himself. Daily Mail reports: He was about to take control of a Rome to Japan flight but was substituted at the 11th hour, with passengers left unaware of the switch.

Paul Craig Roberts: Murder Is Washington's Foreign Policy

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Washington has a long history of massacring people, for example, the destruction of the Plains Indians by the Union war criminals Sherman and Sheridan and the atomic bombs dropped on Japanese civilian populations, but Washington has progressed from periodic massacres to fulltime massacring. From the Clinton regime forward, massacre of civilians has become a defining characteristic of the United States of America.

Iranian Tycoon Sentenced To Death For Corruption

Iranian billionaire Babak Zanjani, has been sentenced to death for fraud and corruption. The 41-year-old was accused of pocketing $2.8bn (£2bn) from oil deals during the rule of former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad while sanctions were in place against Iran. Two of his associates were also found guilty of the more serious crime of “corruption on earth”. Sky News reports: Prosecutors claim he owed the money to Iran’s government from oil sold on behalf of the oil ministry.

Lawmaker Wants Paedophiles To Pay For Their Own Castration

A lawmaker in Alabama wants paedophiles to be castrated before being allowed to leave prison. State Rep. Steve Hurst has been proposing that sex offenders be either chemically or surgically castrated since 2011 and now he says they should pay for the procedure themselves as well. RT reports: Hurst has filed legislation that would legally require offenders convicted of sexually assaulting a child under the age of 12 to be surgically castrated before being released from prison.

Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius Denied Appeal, Sends Raging Text

Oscar Pistorius has been denied an appeal of his murder conviction by a South African court. He was asked by a journalist about the court’s decision that could see him going back to prison for 15 years. The former Olympic sprinter and convicted murderer known as the “Blade Runner” showed his frustration by replying: “Have you no soul?” The Mirror reports: The Blade Runner was found guilty of murder in December after he shot dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in their home on Valentine’s Day 2013.
