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Pilot Threatened To Crash Passenger Jet If Mrs Left Him

A suicidal Italian pilot about to fly a plane with 200 people on board was arrested by police minutes before takeoff. The Italian man was intercepted by officers at Fiumicino airport after his wife warned the police he was planning to kill himself. Daily Mail reports: He was about to take control of a Rome to Japan flight but was substituted at the 11th hour, with passengers left unaware of the switch. The incident, which has only now been revealed, happened in January, two months before Andreas Lubitz killed 149 people when he deliberately crashed his Germanwings jet while suffering mental health problems. The Italian pilot, who is in his 40s but has not been identified, was already known to police after his wife reported him for mistreatment, it was reported by The Times which cited local media. He threatened to take his own life when his wife initially said she was leaving him. But when she refused to change her mind, he texted her to say that he was going to crash his plane with 200 people on board that night. She immediately contacted police who alerted airport officials. The pilot, from Padua, Italy, was suspended and is still undergoing psychiatric [...]