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House Democrat To Introduce Bill Preventing Trump Form Pardoning Himself

House Democrat To Introduce Bill Preventing Trump Form Pardoning Himself

Having tried and failed to introduce his "impeach Trump" bill, Rep. Al Green won't give up that easy as The Hill reports he plans to introduce a bill that would prevent presidents from being able to pardon themselves.

Green's bill follows increasing reports from the 'fake news media' that Trump is considering using his power to pardon on himself or other members of his administration for any offenses related to the Russia probe, though Trump attorney Jay Sekulow has insisted that officials are not even discussing Trump’s ability to issue pardons.

White House Closing Down War Crimes Office (After Being Accused Of War Crimes)

White House Closing Down War Crimes Office (After Being Accused Of War Crimes)

Authored by Darius Shatahmasebi via,

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is reportedly closing a decades-old office in the State Department that has helped pursue justice for victims of war crimes.

The “Office of Global Criminal Justice” advises the secretary of state on issues surrounding war crimes and genocide. It was established by Bill Clinton’s secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, a woman who barely batted an eyelid while overseeing the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children.

Man Behind Trump "Dossier" Subpoenaed After Refusing To Testify, Will Plead The Fifth

Man Behind Trump "Dossier" Subpoenaed After Refusing To Testify, Will Plead The Fifth

For all the talk of obstruction and interference by the Trump camp, it's neither Donald Trump Jr. nor Paul Manafort who are challenging their scheduled testimony in the Senate next Wednesday, but rather the man who according to many started the whole "Trump Russia collusion" narrative, who is doing everything in his power to avoid testifying next week.

"Everything Will Collapse" German Judge Warns As Refugees Flood System With Appeals

"Everything Will Collapse" German Judge Warns As Refugees Flood System With Appeals

Hundreds of thousands of migrants who’ve appealed decisions by Germany’s immigration courts have brought the country’s legal system to the brink of collapse, a German judge warned on Friday.

More than 1.3 million migrants have arrived in Germany since the beginning of 2015. Since then, the sheer number of cases filed has overwhelmed the civil courts of the country, said Robert Seegmuller, chairman of the Association of German Administrative Law Judges, speaking to the publishing house Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland.
