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"This Is A Coup": Masked Men Storm Macedonia Parliament - Live Feed

"This Is A Coup": Masked Men Storm Macedonia Parliament - Live Feed

Supporters of the movement "For The Common Macedonia" stormed the Macedonian parliament and attacked the deputies of the parliamentary majority, following a vote for a new speaker. In addition, journalists were detained in the press center of the Parliament.

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The attack injured several members, including the leader of the opposition SDSM party, Zoran Zaev.


George Soros Fuels Riots In Macedonia Amid Gov Meltdown

George Soros Fuels Riots In Macedonia Amid Gov Meltdown

Billionaire George Soros has spent millions of dollars funding violent protests and riots in Macedonia, in a move designed to incite civil war and create a military conflict with Russia.  As tensions in Macedonia continue to rise, some Macedonians have launched a counter-effort to drive Soros out of the country before he brings the country to the brink of ruin and succeeds in installing his globalist agenda.

Macedonia Launches ‘Stop Operation Soros’ Movement

A new initiative was launched in Macedonia on Tuesday to examine the activities of the George Soros funded Open Society Foundations. ‘Stop Operation Soros’ (SOS) is dedicated to countering the influence of the billionaire globalist George Soros. The founders of the group called on all “free-minded citizens,” regardless of ethnicity or religion, to join them in their “fight against one-mindedness in the civil sector, which is devised and led by George Soros”, during a press conference. The movement says it will begin by focusing on uncovering ‘subversive’ activities by Soros-funded NGOs.
