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"Alexa, This Is Going To Hurt": These Companies Will Be Destroyed By Amazon Next

"Alexa, This Is Going To Hurt": These Companies Will Be Destroyed By Amazon Next

From Morgan Stanley overnight:


The reason the S&P healthcare sector is lower on the day...

... with distribution names getting hammered, is because in a report published overnight, Morgan Stanley analysts predicted that the sector, and severeal specific names, are most in danger of being targets of Amazon's unstoppable monopoly juggernaut, soon to be scheduled for Bezosian eradication.

Multiple Sclerosis Is Actually Lyme Disease. Here’s Why

One of the biggest medical scandal’s of the last 100 years is the fact that since 1911 the medical establishment have known that Multiple Sclerosis is caused by a bacterium, and that Big Pharma have covered this up in order to profit from so called “MS patients”.  Medical research shows that the living Borrelia bacteria were found in the brains of people who had been diagnosed with MS. Time and time again. By at least a dozen medical researchers. In at least ten countries. Since 1911 – the past one hundred years.