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The Mainstream Media Wants Marco Rubio To Be Your Next President

The Mainstream Media Wants Marco Rubio To Be Your Next President

Submitted by Neal Gabler via,

So here is how you play the media like an accordion.

First, you deliver a debate performance so notably bad, so mechanical and unthinking, that you have everyone buzzing about it, even those in the media who gush over you. Then you take responsibility for being awful because, after all, you don’t want to give the impression that you might not really be responsible for uttering the words you uttered – four times.


Kasich Earns His Ticket

I spent election night in New Hampshire with the Kasich campaign. Obviously this was an important night for the country, with more decisive victories than I had anticipated for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Taken together, their wins signal a dramatic rejection of neoliberalism and neoconservatism, the shared ideology of the current American establishment.

Trump, Sanders Set To Dominate As New Hampshire Votes In Nation's First Primary

Trump, Sanders Set To Dominate As New Hampshire Votes In Nation's First Primary

Last week, the “teflon Don” took a hit in Iowa.

Despite the fact that the last Des Moines Register poll before the caucus showed the brazen billionaire pulling ahead of Ted Cruz in the state for the first time since August, Donald Trump lost, in what many deemed a surprising outcome.

Initially, Trump congratulated Cruz. Later, he called the senator a cheater and accused him of “stealing” the state by bilking the hapless Ben Carson out of votes.
