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Electoral College Update: Where The Vote Stands As Of 3:15PM ET

For those following today's Electoral College vote, here is the latest vote tally as of 3:15pm ET:

  • 241 electoral votes had been cast for Trump,
  • 127 electoral votes had been cast for Hillary Clinton.

So far that's in line with That's right in line with the results in the 26 states that have already cast their official Electoral College votes. On election day, Trump won 306 electoral votes on Election Day to Clinton's 232.

Voters Don’t Love Rubio the Way Elites Do

Donald Trump appears to have won all 50 delegates in Saturday’s South Carolina Republican primary, but this hasn’t stopped certain pundits from proclaiming Marco Rubio the real story. Rubio took second place with just .02 percent more of the vote than Ted Cruz received. While Cruz was supposed to have an advantage given the state’s large evangelical vote, Rubio had the endorsements of key figures in the state’s political establishment, notably Governor Nikki Haley and Sen. Tim Scott.
