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Turkey Warns Greece Over Military Drills On Aegean Island

Turkey has waned Greece that military drills they are conducting on the Aegean island of Kos, are against international law and could spark tensions between Athens and Ankara In a statement the Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Huseyin Muftuoglu said: “We call on our neighbor Greece to refrain from unilateral actions that… could trigger tensions and are against international law” RT reports: The exercises breached a 1947 treaty that prohibited this kind of activity on the island, Muftuoglu noted, adding that Turkey could take preventive measures if necessary.

Over 100,000 Visas Revoked Due To Trump Travel Ban

Update: The State Department has contradicted the Justice Department lawyer who previously told a federal judge that over 100,000 visas were revoked to comply with Trump’s temporary ban on travel from seven countries. The actual number is about 40,000 lower according to the State Dept: “Fewer than 60,000 individuals’ visas were provisionally revoked to comply with the Executive Order,” said Will Cocks, spokesperson for the department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs.

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US Unleashes New Sanctions On Iran; Russia Says "Counter-Productive"

US Unleashes New Sanctions On Iran; Russia Says "Counter-Productive"

The U.S. imposed fresh sanctions on Iran as President Donald Trump seeks to punish Tehran for its ballistic missile program after warning the Islamic Republic that it is “playing with fire." As Bloomberg reports, the Treasury Department published a list of 13 individuals and 12 entities facing new restrictions, some for contributing to proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and others for links to terrorism.

Additional headlines from the Trump administration:

New Poll Uses Huge "Oversample" To Suggest That 40% Of Registered Voters Support Impeaching Trump

New Poll Uses Huge "Oversample" To Suggest That 40% Of Registered Voters Support Impeaching Trump

This morning a lot of media outlets are citing a new poll conducted by "Public Policy Polling" (PPP) which suggests, among other things, that 40% of registered voters in the U.S. support impeaching President Trump.  Of course, about 15 seconds worth of actual critical thought could have saved these media outlets from embarrassingly pumping yet another "rigged poll" courtesy of aggressive "oversamples".
