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Live Stream: Steven Mnuchin Testifies As Democrats Go On The Offensive

In what is sure to be one of the fieriest confirmation hearings to date, Steven Mnuchin, Trump's pick for Treasury Secretary, is set to take questions from the Senate Finance Committee starting at 10AM EST.  As the show gets started, Democrats will undoubtedly be looking to score theatrical points with the working class folks of the Midwest by peppering Mnuchin with zingers on his time at Goldman Sachs and demonizing his involvement with foreclosure efforts at IndyMac and OneWest. 

As the political theater get ready to begin, per The Hill, here are some of the things to expect:

Where Is The Left-Wing When A Country Needs One?

Where Is The Left-Wing When A Country Needs One?

Paul Craig Roberts

I was about to write a detailed and favorable review of Greg Palast’s book, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits when a friend sent me a request to “share” Palast’s Facebook LIVE broadcast of Palast’s documentary exposing “exactly how Trump and his cronies attacked the voting rights of a million minority vorers to steal the White House.”

Obama's Last Attack: US B-2 Bombers Strike ISIS Camps In Libya, Killing Dozens

Obama's Last Attack: US B-2 Bombers Strike ISIS Camps In Libya, Killing Dozens

With just 24 hours left in Obama's tenure, the U.S. president launched his final airstrike on ISIS after two B-2 bombers carried out airstrikes on two ISIS camps in Libya overnight, defense officials said Thursday, part of an operation targeting militants driven out last year from their coastal stronghold. The stealth bombers struck jihadis 45 kilometers southwest of Sirte, located halfway between Tripoli and Benghazi.

A map showing location of Sirte, Libya.

CIA Unveils New Rules For "Collecting, Analyzing And Storing" Information On American Citizens

CIA Unveils New Rules For "Collecting, Analyzing And Storing" Information On American Citizens

In a burst of transparency, one day after it made available some 13 million pages of archives documents online for the first time, on Wednesday the Central Intelligence Agency unveiled revised rules for collecting, analyzing and storing information on American citizens, publishing them in full for the first time.
