A Foreign Nation Did Interfere In A US Election...In 1980

Submitted by Wayne Madsen via The Strategic Culture Foundation,
Submitted by Wayne Madsen via The Strategic Culture Foundation,
Despite the evidence–free drumbeat of propaganda and hysteria, a new CNN/ORC poll finds that Americans are remaining level-headed about the Russian hacking allegations:
Majorities say that … that the outcome of the election would have been the same regardless of the information released (58% say that). Further, 56% say that despite this situation, the US ought to continue its efforts to improve relations with Russia rather than take strong economic and diplomatic steps against Russia.
Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,
Submitted by Robert Gore via StraightLineLogic.com,
The one adjective that best describes the Deep State is “soulless.”
51 year-old Florida resident, Dominic Puopolo, who was arrested by Miami Beach police Tuesday for allegedly threatening President-elect Donald Trump online is, according to The Daily Mail, is a member of a prominent northeast family close to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Puopolo reportedly admitted to posting a video to Twitter, under his handle @JesusChrist1701, saying: "Yes, I will be at the review stand at the inauguration and I am going to kill President-elect Trump... what are you gonna do about it Secret Service?"