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The Truth About Venezuela's "Economic War"

Submitted by Antony Davies and James Harrigan via,

Blaming Venezuela’s spiraling inflation on “economic war and mafia attacks,” Hugo Chavez’s successor, socialist President Nicolas Maduro has raised the nation’s minimum wage for the fifth time in a year. The whopping 50 percent wage hike raises the monthly wage to between $12 and $60, in U.S. terms, depending on whether one goes by the state-controlled or the more accurate black-market exchange rate.

Quinnipiac Poll Suggests Hillary Would Crush De Blasio In NYC Mayoral Race

Quinnipiac Poll Suggests Hillary Would Crush De Blasio In NYC Mayoral Race

Like a nagging case of "pneumonia" that brings with it random, yet inevitable, bouts of full-body paralysis, the rumors/threats of Hillary tossing her hat in the ring for the New York City Mayoral race simply won't go away.  The latest example comes from a Quinnipiac University Poll which analyzed a hypothetical head-to-head match-up between Clinton and New York's current mayor, Bill de Blasio.  Unfortunately for de Blasio, the poll found that, while he would beat almost everyone else whose name has been mentioned as potential contender, he would almost certainly be crushed by Hillary. 

CBS Host Admits ‘Pizzagate Is Real’

CBS claims that the Pizzagate story, which suggests an elite pedophile ring operates out of Washington DC, is real and needs to be investigated by the FBI. According to CBS host Ben Swann, evidence collected by alternative media researchers provides “compelling evidence” that high level government officials such as John Podesta and Hillary Clinton may be connected to some kind of child sex scandal – a claim the alternative media have been making for months.

ISIS Planning ‘Bloody Massacre’ At Jan. 20 Inauguration

ISIS and Al-Qaeda are both planning extensive terrorist attacks in Washington DC this Friday, during Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony.  As thousands of protestors descend onto the Capitol and millions watch the ceremony on television, ISIS militants will commit a “Nice-style” massacre aimed at creating the maximum amount of damage possible. The Sun reports: Nearly two million people are believed to have packed the streets when Barack Obama was first inaugurated in 2009.
