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WikiLeaks Hints At Huge Upcoming Revelations: "2017 Will Blow You Away"

Ahead of Jullian Assange's interview tonight on Fox News with Sean Hannity, in which as we previewed last night the Wikileaks founder will again deny on the record that Russia was the source of hacked Democratic emails, stating that "our source is not the Russian government and it is not a state party", Wikileaks decided to engage in some creative marketing and, on Monday afternoon promised that 2017 will be an even bigger year for leaks than 2016, which saw the whistleblowing site publish thousands of documents exposing the dirty laundry of the Clinton campaign, US political secre

Britain Braces For Civil War As Brexit Date Looms

British citizens are warning that riots and civil war may happen if Brexit isn’t delivered by the March 31st deadline as originally promised.  According to increasing numbers of Brits living in Brexit-strongholds across the UK, people are becoming restless and ready to take to the streets if the government renege on their Brexit promise. reports: Sky News visited Brexit-strongholds and talked to people who made it clear what they thought would happen if the timeline for Britain’s exit from the EU was not announced soon. “Oh, there’ll be mass riots. There’ll be hysteria.

Troubles In Brexit-land: UK's EU Ambassador Abruptly Resigns

Troubles In Brexit-land: UK's EU Ambassador Abruptly Resigns

Sir Ivan Rogers, Britain’s ambassador to the EU has unexpectedly quit, just a few months before the UK is expected to start formal Brexit negotiations, leaving officials in shock over the loss of one of Britain’s most experienced EU negotiators.

As The FT reports, Rogers did not explain the reasons for the move, according to people who have seen his note to diplomatic staff. Sir Ivan played down the decision, saying he was leaving a few months earlier than his original departure date of November.

House Republicans Vote To Strip Ethics Office Of Independence, Limiting Its Power

House Republicans Vote To Strip Ethics Office Of Independence, Limiting Its Power

House Republicans abruptly voted on Monday night to eliminate the independence of the Office of Congressional Ethics, the chamber’s nonpartisan ethics board which investigates lawmakers' alleged misconduct, largely stripping it of its power, leading to pushback from Democrats and government watchdog groups. House Republicans, meeting as a group Monday night, approved an
amendment from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte that would place the office under the oversight of the lawmaker-run
House Ethics Committee.

Why The Italian Government Can't Stop Refugee-Smuggling Boats? Because It Doesn't Want To

Why The Italian Government Can't Stop Refugee-Smuggling Boats? Because It Doesn't Want To


The rule of law is often invoked by as a Western value that “populist” movements want to destroy, yet the establishment’s own governments have long suspended that very same rule of law when it comes to immigration. The most evident example of this is the immigration policy started by the Italian Letta government in 2013 and continued since then under the Renzi government.
