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Trump Responds To Obama's Russian Sanctions: "Time To Move On"

In a relatively weak initial statement, president-elect Trump has rather diplomatically commented that:

"It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things.


Nevertheless, in the interest of our country and its great people, I will meet with leaders of the intelligence community next week in order to be updated on the facts of this situation."

Russia Responds to Sanctions, says Obama's 'Aggressive Foreign Policy' Designed to Hurt Trump

Under normal circumstances, the President-elect Trump and President Obama would discuss the proposed sanctions on Russia and issue a joint statement. After all, Obama doesn't have to deal with the ramifications, Trump does. But in this fucked up political environment we live in, the incoming President and the one sitting in the White House agree on virtually nothing.

Obama Mocked By Russian Embassy: "Everyone Will Be Glad To See The Last Of This Hapless Administration"

The following tweet, just sent out by the traditionally outspoken Russian Embassy in the UK, hardly needs commentary.

"Grizzly Steppe" - FBI, DHS Release "Report" On Russian Hacking

"Grizzly Steppe" - FBI, DHS Release "Report" On Russian Hacking

As part of the "evidence" meant to substantiate the unprecedented act of expelling 35 Russian diplomats and locking down two Russian compounds without a major concurrent political or diplomatic incident, or an act of war, and which simply provides an outlets for the Democrats to justify the loss of their candidate in the US presidential election (sorry, Putin did not tell the rust belt how to vote), the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI released a 13-page "report" on the Russian action done "to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S.
