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Nation's Second Largest Union "Prepares To Fight-Back Against" Trump's "Extremist-Run Government"

Republican control of all three branches of government in Washington DC has the nation's second largest labor union worried about what a Trump administration might mean for their already declining membership and corresponding union dues.  In response, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) which represents nearly 2 million government, health care, and building-services workers and wields an annual budget of $300 million, has taken steps to slash its budget by 30% in an effort to hoard cash "to fight-back against" Trump's "extremist-run government".  Per an interna

George Soros And Bill Gates Funding Facebook’s Fact Checkers

Social media giant Facebook has announced that its fight against fake news will involve third-party fact checking organizations, however there are grave concerns about the legitimacy of those groups after it was revealed George Soros and Bill Gates, as well as other Clinton donors are funding the fact checking drive. Many people are taking it for granted that these fact checkers are the quintessence of neutrality and unbiased reporting. Well, judge for yourself.

Here's Who Democrats Say Are The Top 15 Presidential Candidates For 2020

Here's Who Democrats Say Are The Top 15 Presidential Candidates For 2020

As Democrats continue to slowly come to terms with their stunning defeat on November 8th, one coping mechanism that has helped them to deal with the grief is getting a head start on a list of most likely new saviors who can defeat the evil Donald Trump in 2020 and restore "Hope" to America.  As such, Niall Stanage of The Hill has compiled a list of the 15 most likely challengers.  Most of the list is not terribly surprising and includes a number of establishment politicians which, given how the 2016 election cycle evolved, would almost certainly result in another Trump victory.

Bankrupt Sears, Brexit Becomes Bremain, & Bye-Bye 'Peak Auto' - Doug Kass' 15 Surprises For 2017

Bankrupt Sears, Brexit Becomes Bremain, & Bye-Bye 'Peak Auto' - Doug Kass' 15 Surprises For 2017

The core thread of next year's relatively downbeat "surprises" from Seabreeze Partners' Doug Kass is that the crowd is wearing Trump-colored glasses and that the single-biggest surprise is how quickly the bloom comes off the Trump flower.

In 2017 Donald Trump no longer will be seen as an invincible politician or a self-proclaimed stock market savior (see Surprise #3). Rather, he will learn, the hard way, the difficulty in governing and what Mario Cuomo meant when he said, "Campaign in poetry, govern in prose."
