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Did Putin Just Out The World’s Ruling Class As Reptilians?

Shockwaves are reverberating around the Kremlin today as word spreads regarding an extraordinary meeting called by Vladimir Putin yesterday where, according to sources, the Russian president said that “95% of the world’s ruling class are not even human,” but are “cold-blooded hybrids” who are “members of an ancient cult.” Did Putin just out the world’s political and financial elite as cold-blooded hybrid human reptilians?  Did he really just go there? Speaking at a behind closed doors forum for the highest echelons of government and staff in his home city of St.

Thousands Protest In France Calling For Revolution

Thousands of protestors have taken to the streets of Paris demanding a “general revolution” amid a continued ‘state of emergency’ in France.  A variety of protestors, ranging from parents, students, workers, artists and pensioners,  have set-up camp in around the Place de la République square for over a week – and the government are beginning to panic. reports: Called Nuit debout, which loosely means “rise up at night”, the protest movement is increasingly being likened to the Occupy initiative that mobilised hundreds of thousands of people in 2011 or Spain’s Indignados.

Mainstream Media Asks If WWIII Has Already Begun?

Has WWIII already begun in Iraq and Syria? That is the question many mainstream media outlets have begun asking. According to Reuters journalist Van Buren: “There can be no more wordplay: America now has boots on the ground in Iraq.” Reuters reports: The regional picture is dismal. In Syria, militias backed by the Central Intelligence Agency are fighting those backed by the Pentagon. British, Jordanian and American special forces are fighting various enemies in Libya, which, as a failed state, is little more than a nascent Iraq likely to metastasize in its neighbors.
