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Japan: 30 Thousand Protest PM’s Plan To Restart Nuclear Reactors

Over 30,000 people attended a rally in Tokyo’s Yoyogi Park on Friday to protest a plan to restart a number of nuclear power plants. Along with Japanese utility companies, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is campaigning to restart several of the dormant plants which have been offline since the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. The anti-nuclear protestors say that restarting the nuclear reactors will create safety risks. RT reports: Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been advocating the reboot of the country’s nuclear power plants, saying it is crucial for Japan’s energy policy.

In New Video, North Korea Threatens To "Slap" America With Giant Nuclear Strike On Lincoln Memorial

In New Video, North Korea Threatens To "Slap" America With Giant Nuclear Strike On Lincoln Memorial

Benevolent leader. Military genius. Consensus builder. Renaissance man.

These are all descriptions of someone who will quite possibly go down in history as the greatest statesman of the 21st century:

North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un is struggling to stay relevant in a world that has generally forgotten that Pyongyang exists.
