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Bernie Faces Uphill Battle After Big Weekend Wins As Remaining Contests Favor Hillary

Bernie Faces Uphill Battle After Big Weekend Wins As Remaining Contests Favor Hillary

"Momentum is with us," Bernie Sanders told CNN over the weekend. "A lot of these super-delegates may rethink their position with Hillary Clinton."

The firebrand Vermont senator is pleased with himself following big wins on Saturday in Alaska, Washington, and Hawaii, where he dominated the former First Lady on the way to closing the delegate gap and serving notice that the race for the Democratic nomination isn’t over just yet.

Obama Plays the Long Game in Latin America

On Thursday, March 24, the 40th anniversary of the last Argentine coup d’état, a large crowd filled Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires with shouts of “nunca más,” “never again.” They were referring to the U.S.-supported Argentine military dictatorship of 1976-1983 and the repression that characterized it: the imprisonment, torture, and murder of political opposition on a mass scale. “Never again,” then, to such oppression, and “never again” to the overthrow of democracy—the last coup was the sixth in Argentina’s brief history. But President Obama’s visit to Argentina, the first such U.S.

Trump the Technocrat

We have come to associate the term “technocrats” with the kind of unelected and non-political experts that serve in European governments, particularly those responding to the recent financial crisis that has devastated several economies there. For example, economists like Mario Monti who served as Italy’s prime minister from 2011 to 2013, leading a government of technocrats in the wake of the Italian debt crisis. Their task wasn’t to transform the economic status quo in Italy, but to use their knowledge and expertise to fix that country’s economy.

Video: Syrian Army Retakes Ancient City Of Palmyra From ISIS

Syrian government troops have retaken and established full control of the ancient city of Palmyra from that hands of ISIS Military sources said that after days of heavy fighting and with the backing of Russian airstrikes, the army is in full control of Palmyra, both the ancient site and the residential neighborhoods President Bashar al-Assad hailed the recapture of Palmyra from the Islamic State as an “important achievement” in the “war on terrorism”. President Assad said the recapture of Palmyra showed the success of the army’s strategy.
