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Anonymous Investigate Arizona Election Fraud, “Sanders Was Hacked”

Hacktivist group Anonymous have launched their own official investigation into claims of Arizona election fraud committed by the Hillary Clinton campaign.  Claims of election fraud began circulating last Tuesday when thousands of Bernie Sanders supporters were prevented from voting for Sanders due to their votes mysteriously being changed from Democratic to Independent. Anonymous have issued a press release saying that the abnormally low vote total may be the result of Clinton’s campaign hacking the sanders campaign voter database.

Bernie Sanders Prepares To Take Down Hillary In Her Home State

Bernie Sanders has won five of the last six Democratic presidential contests and after last nights overwhelming defeat of his rival, is now preparing to follow through with a knock-down punch at a showdown in Hillary Clinton’s home state. Everyone is getting to #feelthebern, including Hillary Clinton, from an energized revolutionary who has started a political revolution across America, a land that he believes belongs to the people and not some entity, corporate or otherwise.

Trump Slams Cruz For "Stealing Delegates," Says American Politics "Is A Broken System"

In the escalating war between "Lyin'" Ted Cruz and "Snivelling Coward" Donald Trump, reports that Cruz could end up with more delegates than Trump from Louisiana - despite The Donald's victory - have incensed the New York businessman. As Politico reports, Trump raged that Ted Cruz is trying to "steal" delegates, "because that's the way Ted works."

Donald Trump: If President I Will Consider Stopping Saudi Imports

GOP front-runner Donald Trump said he “would consider” halting all American purchases of oil from Saudi Arabia unless the Saudi government starts providing military troops to combat ISIS Reuters reports: Trump’s comment on Friday was included in a lengthy foreign policy interview published by the newspaper on Saturday and came in response to a question about whether, if elected president, he would halt oil purchases from U.S. allies unless they provided on-the-ground forces against Islamic State. “The answer is, probably yes,” Trump said, according to a transcript.

Al Jazeera Presenter Corners Saudi Ambassador - "Why Support Democracy In Syria But Not Saudi Arabia?"

Al Jazeera Presenter Corners Saudi Ambassador - "Why Support Democracy In Syria But Not Saudi Arabia?"

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

This past week, Al Jazeera presenter Mehdi Hasan sat down with Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the UN. He asked him a very pointed question regarding why he supports democracy in Syria but not in Saudi Arabia.

It’s a great question, and let’s just say the answer was not at all convincing.
