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How to Destroy ISIS Propaganda and Wipe Out Its Ability to Recruit

How to Destroy ISIS Propaganda and Wipe Out Its Ability to Recruit

The Little-Known Secret to Destroying ISIS Propaganda

I'm not opposed to killing every ISIS member and recruit. After all, they're trying to kill us.

But Russia and the U.S.-led coalition haven't been able to wipe out ISIS with bombs.

Why not?

Military history shows that you usually cannot defeat your enemy unless you understand him at least a little bit.

For example, the great Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu wrote in the Art of War:

The Dirty Dozen - Meet The Republicans That Will Vote For Hillary

Members of the GOP foreign policy establishment are open to supporting Hillary Clinton for president if that’s what it takes to prevent Donald Trump from becoming commander in chief. As The Hill reports, a number of prominent Republicans who signed a scathing open letter denouncing Trump said they aren’t wavering from their opposition to him..."Donald Trump is not a Republican. ... He is a caricature of classless wealth. ... He is a caricature of the ugly American."
