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West Should Stop Trying To Export Failed Democracy

Most attempts by Western countries to “export democracy” to the Middle East and Africa usually fails due to the fact that Western democracy is flawed.  German newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) says that establishing democratic order alone is not enough to ensure social and political stability in foreign countries. reports: In early 1990s, many African countries established formal democracy. They started to organize elections and make a show of sticking to democratic principles, but in fact have been far away from the real division of political power.

Nuclear War Between Russia And Europe ‘Imminent’ Says Minister

A former Russian foreign minister has warned that a nuclear war between Russia and Europe is highly likely to happen any day now, due to strained relations between Russia and the West.  Igor Ivanov said the risk of World War 3 is the biggest it has ever been, “The risk of confrontation with the use of nuclear weapons in Europe is higher than in the 1980s.” reports: Both Russia and the United States have fewer nuclear weapons than in the Cold War period but with just over 7,000 nuclear warheads each, they still have about 90 per cent of world stocks, according to the Stockholm
