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14 Air-Force Nuclear Base Guards Probed Over Illegal Drug Use

In a shocking announcement reported in The Air Force Times, it has been revealed that 14 Air Force airmen who were the main line of defense between a nuclear disaster and regular life are being investigated. Their alleged crime? According to defense officials, the charge is “illegal drug activity” while on duty acting as security for a nuclear base: It’s the latest scandal to hit the Air Force’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missile community, where morale and misconduct have been a top concern for Pentagon officials for several years.

Meet Two Of The Men Who Will Determine Whether Trump Becomes President

Meet Two Of The Men Who Will Determine Whether Trump Becomes President

One of the things that seems to have never sunk in for Donald Trump’s GOP rivals (or at least until they were either sitting back at home on the couch reflecting on why they were beaten so badly or else talking sheepishly to reporters on Capitol Hill about their plans to retire from politics after being trounced in their home state) is that he feeds off of controversy and publicity. The more you talk about him - good or bad - the larger he looms in voters’ minds.

"Only Bad Choices" Left For GOP: Trump, Supreme Court Put Party In Turmoil

"Only Bad Choices" Left For GOP: Trump, Supreme Court Put Party In Turmoil

“Man, you guys cannot stop talking about him. He is a dangerous presence and, you know, it’s just like candy by the bushel.”

That’s what Hillary Clinton - who possibly didn’t know her mic was live - told MSNBC last Monday night. The former First Lady was of course talking about Donald Trump, and the media’s interest is a byproduct of the public’s fascination.

Hillary Clinton Admits Bush Bribed Her Into Iraq War Vote

During the latest Democratic town hall on MSNBC, Hillary Clinton once again defended her vote for the Iraq War. This time, Clinton expanded on her reasoning for the ‘yes’ vote when she was in the U.S. Senate representing New York. She stated that it was a favor for President George W. Bush. Hillary admitted to having had “a different set of experiences” with ‘W.’ than Senator Bernie Sanders did, in response to Chris Matthews asking her why she was wrong on Iraq War while Sanders was right.

Romney: "I Am Repulsed By Trumpism... Vote For Cruz"; Trump Responds: "This Is Good For Me"

Having demanded that 'we, the people' vote for John Kasich, Mitt Romney has flip-flopped to support Cruz in his #NeverTrump crusade...

This week, in the Utah nominating caucus, I will vote for Senator Ted Cruz.


Today, there is a contest between Trumpism and Republicanism. Through the calculated statements of its leader, Trumpism has become associated with racism, misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, vulgarity and, most recently, threats and violence. I am repulsed by each and every one of these.

