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Did John Kasich Just Say No To A Mitt Romney Endorsement

Did John Kasich Just Say No To A Mitt Romney Endorsement

Is a Romney endorsement for Kasich ahead of the critical Tuesday Ohio primary a kiss of death? Perhaps.

Moments ago, the WSJ reported that Mitt Romney is planning to endorse John Kasich later today in Ohio, citing Kasich.

This follows a CBS report that Mitt Romney will hit the campaign trail Monday with John Kasich, CBS News' Chief White House correspondent Major Garrett confirms.

Was Chicago The First Skirmish In An Inevitable Civil War?

Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,

The Twitter-incited mob that shut down last week’s Donald Trump rally at the University of Illinois’ Chicago pavilion was the first skirmish in what is shaping up to be a civil war between a political Left that has lost its mind and a political Right that has lost its mind and its soul. The tensions between these two camps are so contorted and dishonest that even trying to unpack the issues puts the un-packer in jeopardy of being branded as one kind of thought-criminal or another.

In Germany, The Far-Right Promises To Chase Merkel "To Hell" After Stunning Victories

In Germany, The Far-Right Promises To Chase Merkel "To Hell" After Stunning Victories

On Sunday, Angela Merkel suffered a bitter defeat at the ballot box in state elections that effectively served as a referendum on Berlin’s open-door migrant policy.

Exit polls showed support for the Chancellor’s CDU falling in Baden-Wuerttemberg, in Saxony-Anhalt, and in Rhineland-Palatinate versus 2011. Those results were validated as CDU lost ground versus the last election across the board.
