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Syrian MiG-21 Jet Downed In Hama, Pilot Shot Dead

A Syrian Air Force MiG-21 was downed near a military airfield in Hama Governorate. Armed Islamic State militants shot and killed the pilot. Sputnik reports: Syrian Air Force MiG-21 has been downed by armed militants near a military airfield in western Hama Governorate, a military source told Sputnik. The pilot had been shot dead from the ground while parachuting, according to the source. “A Syrian warplane MiG-21 was shot down near the Hama military airfield,” the source said. The pilot was able to eject but died when militants opened fire at him.

A Counsel of Political Pessimism

The depressing truth, as it seems to me this afternoon:

1. If Trump becomes the GOP nominee, it will mean chaos and violence. Same as if he becomes president. He generates an atmosphere of thuggishness.

2. If the Social Justice Warriors prevail in shutting down Trump rallies, it will mean chaos and violence. It is chaos and violence. They are thugs, even if they are praised by the media.

3. I want Trump to beat the SJWs at their game. They are making America ungovernable.

A Rigged And Rotten System

A Rigged And Rotten System

Submitted by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

Feeding Like Leeches

The poor Republicans! A Washington Post story wonders if the party could “break in two.” Party stalwarts are threatening to desert to Hillary. And a Texas newspaper worries that the GOP could be “on the verge of extinction.”


Aaaaaaand… it’s gone!


North Korea Escalation: South Korea, U.S. Prepare For Nuclear Attack

The United States federal government have told authorities on the West coast to make emergency plans in case of a nuclear attack by North Korea, as the situation between North and South Korea have taken a dangerous turn this weekend.  South Korea have warned that they may be forced to react militarily if North Korea continue to provoke them: “If the North continues to make provocations despite the stern warnings made by our military, it is inevitable for us to roll out a strict response that may lead to the destruction of the Pyongyang regime,” the South Korean Chiefs Of Staff said on Satur

Life In Al-Shadadi Under ISIL Exposed

A chilling glimpse of life under ISIL in Syria was exposed to western journalists when they visited the northern town of al-Shadadi. The ISIL stronghold was recently liberated by Kurdish-led fighters of the Syria Democratic Forces (SDF). Euro News reports: One resident pointed out makeshift gallows. Elsewhere amid the destruction, bombs and explosives are found in the street and in buildings. Many of the abandoned houses contained bunkers and escape tunnels. The team from Britain’s Sky News was also shown a hotel said to have been used by the extremists to assault women.
