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Yemen and the “Obama Doctrine”

Obama’s Atlantic interviews on foreign policy contains some interesting remarks, but they are difficult to square with Obama’s own policies. The New York Times summarizes some of his views this way:

President Obama believes that Saudi Arabia, one of America’s most important allies in the Middle East, needs to learn how to “share” the region with its archenemy, Iran, and that both countries are guilty of fueling proxy wars in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

Israel Steps Up Oil Drilling Plans In Occupied Golan Heights

Despite warnings that the move violates international law, Israel is moving forward with its plans to drill for oil in the occupied Golan Heights. Last year Afek, an Israeli subsidiary of the US firm Genie Energy, announced it had discovered its first and huge reservoir of oil under Syria’s Golan, enough they said to supply all of Israel’s energy needs for many years to come. In February Israeli authorities granted the company the go-ahead to conduct more drilling.

American Dignity

I am preoccupied with Trump, and what he means for our nation. He is single-handedly destroying the Republican Party. We haven’t seen a political party collapse in this country in well over a century. It’s happening now. Institutions that are strong don’t collapse overnight. I don’t know that even Trump saw the rot in the GOP. But it was rotten, and that’s why it’s collapsing.

Bombshell Missing Clinton Email Says Saudi Financed Benghazi Attacks

A Clinton email leaked by a Romanian hacker in March 2013 reveals that French and Libyan intelligence agencies had evidence that the Benghazi attacks were funded by Saudi Arabia.  The four emails, released by a hacker calling himself Guccifer, were sent between Hillary Clinton and Sidney Blumenthal –  a close friend and adviser to the Clinton family who worked in an unofficial capacity on intelligence matters to Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State.
