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Winning The Hillary Way

Winning The Hillary Way

Submitted by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

The corporate MSM pundits are ignoring the YUUGE upset yesterday in Michigan. Bernie Sanders pulled off an epic upset and it barely gets a mention by the in-the-bag-for-Clinton corporate media. If you ever needed more proof that polls conducted by these morons are as worthless as an Obama promise, see the polls below regarding Michigan. Clinton can’t beat a died in red socialist when she has more money than the Vatican supporting her.

Tories Force Through Plans To Cut Disabled People’s Benefits

Accused of “overstepping their mark”, Peers in the House of Lords have reluctantly backed down in their battle with MPs over cuts to disabled people’s benefits. The cuts to benefits for sick and disabled people will now go ahead, after Lords were forced to back down in their opposition to Government plans. The Lords had defeated the government for a second time earlier this month again over the bill which proposed to cut £30 a week from the benefits of ill and disabled people who have been found unfit to work.

DNC Head Threatened To Kick Michigan Mayor Out Of Debate For Cheering Bernie Sanders

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Hillary is the candidate of the corrupt establishment. The status quo wants Hillary in the White House so the parasitic gravy train can roll on. DNC head and Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is one of these people. She isn’t interested in reform, because reform wouldn’t advance her personal interests. She wants things to stay the way they are, because it’s working great for her.


"At This Point" It's Over: Establishment's Last Hope Fades As Trump Leads Rubio By 23 Points In Florida

It just keeps getting worse for the GOP establishment.

The harder the Republican aristocracy tries to derail Trump, the more convincing his victories become, in a kind of self-fulfilling, status quo-destroying loop, and now that Michigan has proven just how divided the Democratic vote truly is, it seems even more likely that the brazen billionaire may indeed end up taking the oath of office.

The Failure of the Overrated Rubio Campaign

This passage from a Politico story on Rubio’s anxious donors sums up most of what has been wrong with the campaign and the media’s coverage of it:

It’s all too familiar a situation for the Republican elite, and for past Bush supporters who have swung to Rubio, who have long waited for Rubio to translate his many fleeting moments of success into tangible momentum [bold mine-DL].
