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America Is Preparing For A Future War With Russia

 Operation Barbarossa 2 – As the U.S. makes preparations to face a Russian threat in eastern Europe and Syria, Russia feels that the past is about to repeat itself and sees an invasion plan in place that looks very much like Nazi Germany’s build up of forces prior to Operation Barbarossa. Except this time, Russia is different from the former Soviet Union and the Nazis and their allies are the Americans and their friends in Ukraine and the Islamic State.

Lawmakers In Iowa Approve Bill To Let Children Have Guns

A bill that that would allow children of all ages to handle guns passed Iowa’s house of representative last week. The bill which was approved on Tuesday by a 62-36 vote, would allow children 14 or younger to possess “a pistol, revolver or the ammunition” under parental supervision and is now headed for the state Senate. Press TV reports: The bill sparked an intense debate in the state about the proper balance between gun rights and basic child safety both with Republican and Democratic members.

Will it be Trump or Goldman Sachs?

Will it be Trump or Goldman Sachs?

Snowden: US Presidential Campaign a Choice Between Trump and Goldman Sachs

by Stephen Lendman

It’s largely a choice of style, not substance, dirty business as usual continuing no matter who succeeds Obama. Still, Snowden has a point. 

Hillary Clinton, like husband Bill, got super-rich through speechmaking, lucrative book deals and other Big Money handouts. 

Lots came from Wall Street and other corporate supporters – a rogue’s gallery of crony capitalist interests buying influence.

"Trump Must Be Stopped" Plead 'The Economist' And CFR As Financial Establishment Panics

"Trump Must Be Stopped" Plead 'The Economist' And CFR As Financial Establishment Panics

It's one thing for the republican establishment to throw up all over the candidacy of Donald Trump: frankly, the GOP has not been relevant as a political power ever since Boehner started folding like a lawn chair to Obama's every demand just around the time of the first US downgrade, and as such what the Republican party - torn apart and very much irrelevant as the best of the "establishment" GOP candidates demonstrate - thinks is largely irrelevant.

Ukraine Collapse Is Now Imminent


Two years have passed since Yanukovich was deposed and, as it turns out, another ruthless clan of oligarchs has taken power. No wonder then that Ukraine is heading for a new wave of violence and chaos. Oligarchs are fighting each other, the IMF is pulling out of the country, officials issue laws and regulations only to see them repealed within a day or two by others, and raided European companies are leaving the country after being robbed by the so-called pro-Brussels oligarchic elite. 
