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Prominent Democrat Official To Bernie Sanders: "Go F--k Yourself"

Prominent Democrat Official To Bernie Sanders: "Go F--k Yourself"

For those who still believe that only the GOP establishment has lost its nerve with its fringe frontrunner of a candidate, here is proof that when it comes to Bernie Sanders' surprisingly strong performance to date, the Democrat party is just as unhinged that Hillary Clinton's primary campaign, which was supposed to be smooth sailing, has been anything but.

French President Says World War Between Russia And Turkey Is Likely

French President Francois Hollande has warned that a war between Russia and Turkey is a very real possibility due to the escalating tensions in Syria.  Hollande has urged the two countries to avoid escalation before a World War breaks out. reports: “There is a risk of war between Turkey and Russia. One must to do everything possible to avoid an escalation,” Hollande said on France Inter radio station. According to him, the Syrian authorities and the opposition should resume talks as soon as possible.

CIA Confirms Saudi Arabia Have 7 Nuclear Bombs Ready To Use

The founding Director of the CIA’s Counter-Terrorism Operations Center has confirmed that Saudi Arabia have up to seven nuclear bombs ready to use.  The CIA asset revealed the information during a Fox News interview last week, and suggests that they can deliver these nuclear missiles via Saudi F-15 fighter jets. reports: Last week, on “The Hal Turner Show” Mr.

Apple Says FBI Wants More Control Over Its Citizens Than China

An Apple executive has issued a scathing attack on the U.S. government’s request for greater access to its software – saying that the FBI’s demands to have a virtual backdoor on its devices is worse than the Chinese government’s demands.  Apple and the U.S. government have become embroiled in the latest privacy debate following a federal judge ordering Apple to assist the FBI in their access of a phone used by a San Bernardino shooter.

Ahead Of Boris Johnson's Key Sunday Night Announcement, Here Is What British Politicians Think Of The Referendum

In the aftermath of another inverse-whirlwind session in Brussels which has set the date of the UK's EU referendum for June 23, below are comments on the vote from British political and business leaders, courtesy of Reuters:


"I do not love Brussels. I love Britain. I am the first to say that there are still many ways in which Europe needs to improve – and that the task of reforming Europe does not end with today's agreement.

