Were We Lied Into War?
Submitted by Justin Raimondo via AntiWar.com,
Submitted by Justin Raimondo via AntiWar.com,
Last month, we documented the burgeoning spat between Brussels and Poland over the latter’s move to approve new laws that allow the conservative (and eurosceptic) Law and Justice (PiS) government to name the chiefs of public TV and radio, and select judges for Poland's constitutional court.
In response to a bloc-wide backlash, Polish minister Zbigniew Ziobro sent a letter to EU commissioner Gunther Oettinger in which Ziobro dismissed criticism of the new laws as “silly.”
Kurds in the Middle East have been betrayed yet again by the big powers. Turkey and the U.S. use the Kurds in Syria , Turkey and Iraq for their own advantage. Kurds in Syria and Turkey are facing the prospect of the creation of a safe zone in their region, which will act as a front for refugees fleeing Syria, but in reality it will be an Islamic enclave in their midst, created by Turkey and her allies, which should put an end to Kurdish dreams of nationhood.
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