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Is Trump a Realist?

If Donald Trump has distanced himself from some of the positions held by two of the powerful wings of the conservative movement—free marketeers and evangelical Christians—he has provoked a fury among members of the third GOP wing, the neoconservatives, who for all practical purposes dominate the party’s foreign policy thinking.

New Petition Seeks Appointment Of Special Prosecutor Over Hillary Clinton Email Coverup

New Petition Seeks Appointment Of Special Prosecutor Over Hillary Clinton Email Coverup

With Hillary beating a self-proclaimed socialist running on a "raise taxes" platform in Iowa thanks to six coin tosses, one wonders if reality is sinking in among the great unwashed American citizenry that she may not be as 'trustworthy' as mainstream media proclaims her to be.

As the email controversy just won't go away, and with insiders confessing that FBI individuals will "revolt" should a case against Hillary not be brought over her "top secret" personal email server debacle, it appears "we the people" are taking matters into our own hands.

How Cruz Won

There are some interesting details to be found in the Iowa exit polls, though many of them aren’t all that surprising. The CBS exit poll showed that Cruz won thanks to his large advantage with self-described conservatives, especially the “very conservative” voters that make up the bulk of his support everywhere.
